Halcyon Beginnings

I write, and now it's time to do something with what I've written.

Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Only 1200 characters to write an introduction to myself? How will I ever manage? Hi, I'm David, I like stuff. Well...that was easy.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Growing Older

Yesterday, I turned 28.

To me, that sounds really old.  I think I'm still stuck with the mentality (and attention span) of a 12 year old. 

With my birthday came lots of slightly depressing thoughts.  I’m stuck in a job I hate (and I'll be stuck in it forever), I'll never get published, I'll never amount to anything, nice little thoughts like that.  All of which came about because, crikey, 28 sounds old to me.

But I guess it's really not.  I've been told several times in the past few days that life doesn't even really start till 30. 

And I want to believe.

So I will. 

I want things to get better; I want to mean something, and the only way that will happen is for me to do something about it. 

I've spent a lot of time procrastinating lately; not wanting to make decisions, not wanting to commit myself to doing things.  That's going to stop now.  Think of it as a New Years Resolution, only in April. 

I made a decision a long time ago to do my best to be happy all the time, to not let things get me down.  I'm not great at it, but I feel I've been doing pretty well.

Well, now I'm going to make the same decision in regards to what I do with my time. 

I have a lot of projects planned.  I have books and short stories to write, I have music to write / record, I have a house to fix, art and jewellery to create…

So, I’m going to do them.  I'm going to get the projects I have planned done, and more.

And I'm going to find a way to promote myself more, to try to get published. 

Because I’m not 30 yet.

But by the time I am? 

I want all those people who told me life starts at 30 to be right

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